Monday, May 3, 2010

tooth fairy pillow

The other night I hosted a craft night to make some of these adorable tooth fairy pillows. We had so much fun and here is how some of them turned out!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby blankets

Okay so these baby blankets are easy to make...they just take a whole lot of time.
I would be more than welling to teach someone how to get started on making one but I don't think I could hang around and wait for everyone to finish. With that said, I am also thinking about selling some of the blankets I make, so if you are interested please contact me and I will let you come over and check out my fabric and then make it for you for around $20 (depending on how much the fabric cost) plus shipping.
These baby blankets measure 30 by 40 inches.

Here is what you need:
40 inches of two different fleece fabric colors
(you typically can make two blankets with this much material)
matching yarn/string
needle to hand stitch
about 2 to 4 hours

If people want to sign up for this one, I will have everyone go out and buy their own material so everyone gets what they want and then we will do a quick lesson on the hand stitch.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Magnet Flowers

Okay this one is super easy and cheap.

What you need:

clear 1 inch stone you can find at a craft store
any color of scrap of paper you want to put on the stone
wire (different colors)
hot glue gun/glue
mod pog

Attach any decorative paper to the clear stone using the mod pog...let dry

Cut wire and twist into pedal shape. Put wire in a circle
(I did two colors on each petal and made 5 each)

add hot glue to the dried stone/paper and attach it to the wire

add more hot glue to top and add a magnet
Congratulations! You're done!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Children's ABC book

What is it: Children's ABC Book

Cost to do it in our Secret Saturday date: pending

Cost to do it on your own:
Cost= I got 5 chipboard for $1.00 (but you can find them on sale for around .50 cents)
Tissue paper= around $1.00 (you could probably find this at the dollar store)
Mod Podge=$5.00-7.00 (you will have tons left over)
ABC Puzzle=$1.00(Michael's)
Foam paint brush=$.50 (Home Depot, Roberts, Lowe's)
Velcro=$1.00 (Wal-mart, Joann's)
Stickers= $1.00 to $10.00
Total=$12.50 to $23.50

Time to complete around 2 to 4 hours

Step 1: Add mod podge on to chip board

Step 2: Crinkle tissue paper and lay it on mod podged chip board

Step 3: repeat (do 2 layers of tissue paper)

Step 4:I used a bunch of left over stickers from old projects and then added mod podge to the top to seal it, giving it a glitter look.

Step 5: Add Velcro to the chipboard and puzzle pieces
Step 6: I attached a plastic bag on the back to hold the puzzle pieces when it wasn't being used. And your done!